Providing Strength in the Wake of Trauma. New Beginnings located at the Arrowhead Regional Medical Center in Colton CA provides free assistance with gang-related tattoo removals.
Tattoo Removal Homeboy Industries
To prove they align with the gangs principles.

Gang tattoo removal. One of the organizations that offers tattoo removal services to former gang members is Homeboy Industries. Its all free by the way. This one gives free service to remove gang-affiliated visible tattoos from ex-gang members.
Removing visible tattoos especially those that are antisocial or related to gangs will improve your chances of finding employment help restore hope and offer healing. Removerys INK-nitiative program is a community outreach initiative designed to provide safe effective and free tattoo removal on the hands neck and face to those in need who were formerly incarcerated gang members survivors of human trafficking and those who. Clarke has removed tattoos from a diverse group of people of many backgrounds.
Atlanta Redemption Inks ARI mission is to transform painful reminders of the past into symbols of hope. The program was started in 1991 to allow former gang members to finalize their break with the gang lifestyle by having gang related tattoos removed. Homeboy Industries provides more than just tattoo removal they also offer educational programs and employment.
To give people a new start to increase opportunity for employment to encourage youth to stay in school to decrease incidents of violence by removing gang tattoos. Hispanic black white Armenian Chinese Cambodian and Vietnamese. This has proven to be our most popular and most critical services for former gang members.
Fresh Start has recently associated with the Administration for Childrens Services in New York to be a participating provider for their voluntary program designed to help SURVIVORS of human trafficking and ex-gang members with tattoo removal. Thats when they decided to write a note and post it on GoFundMe asking people to donate money for the removal of unwanted gang and racist tattoos as many people cant afford it themselves. Since then Fresh Start has serviced hundreds of individuals traumatized or facing otherwise significant barriers presented by their tattoos.
The Tattoo Removal Program was started by Providence Holy Cross Medical Center in 1998 to address gang violence in the northeast San Fernando Valley. In Los Angeles theres the Providence Holy Cross Medical Center Tattoo Removal Program. A Guide to Gang Tattoos and Gang Tattoo Removal Numbers and Letters.
The idea was to digitally remove the tattoos present the before-and-after photos to the subjects and see how they would react. The SLAGP will screen applicants to determine their eligibility for the program. The Project Erase Program provides safe low-cost laser tattoo removal for qualifying applicants.
If you are a victim of human trafficking getting rid of any unwanted tattoos you received can be a major step in your recovery process and can help restore dignity and self-esteem. Volunteer doctors outline the shapes of gang tattoos on the skin of former gang members with a green laser working to erase the tattoos and help the ex-gang. The SLAGP will screen applicants to determine their eligibility for the program.
Tattoo removal can be an important step towards better employment opportunities increased self-esteem recovery from trauma or improved social mobility. We provide support services tattoo removals and cover-ups to survivors of sex trafficking commercial sexual exploitation self-harm addiction and former gang involvement. Tattoo Removal Program at Providence Holy Cross Medical Center located in the San Fernando Valley offers laser tattoo removal treatments are provided at no cost to adults who qualify for the community service-based program.
Those who want to have their tattoos removed must agree to do community service or attend school. To Daves surprise this whole idea went viral and what was meant to help just a few people in Baltimore received 7000 likes in just three hours. Gangs often choose numbers or letters to signify membership in their group.
Napa County Criminal Justice agencies are offering tattoo removal for the youth and adults of our community. They are dedicated to helping people remove gang tattoos. Typically ex-gang members who have visible gang-related tattoos are prioritized.
Laser treatments are performed by a dedicated team of volunteer doctors and nurse practitioners. Tattoo removal is a free service provided to participants in the Homeboy Industries program trainees members of the Los Angeles community and minors who have gang-related or visible tattoos located on the hands neck or face. The organization provides the service for free to help clients turn the page on their past and lead productive peaceful lives.
Many clients referred to the program are former gang members or people coming out of the prison system though that is not required to be eligible for this program. The subjects in the book are fighting to escape gang life or in some cases have managed to achieve that but their tattoos still tell people that they are gang. Screening may include a criminal background check and verification of any information provided on the application form.
A group of 35 volunteer doctors split up into four teams and those four teams average 950 clients per month. Over 300 overcomers have received assistance from ARI since 2017. The program was started in April 2010 to allow former youth gang members to finalize their break with the gang lifestyle by having gang related tattoos removed.